
Steve Morse: How This Guitar Hero Became an Airline Pilot (and Other Flying Stories)

Ward Carroll, veteran F-14 Tomcat radar intercept officer, writer, military commentator and guitarist, sits down with guitar legend Steve Morse before the Dixie Dregs’ performance in Washington DC on May 22, 2024 to talk about Steve’s love of flying and the parallels between being an avid pilot and a virtuoso guitarist. Ward and Steve also

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Steve on the ProgCast

While on tour with the Dixie Dregs and Steve Morse Band, Steve spoke with Gregg Bendian of the ProgCast. Gregg says about their conversation: “Steve Morse is surely one of the most prolific and accomplished guitarist/composers of our lifetime. Steve is in the middle of a rare Dixie Dregs reunion (featuring Steve Morse Band) and

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