Classic 1978 interview with original audio!

Back in 1978, music journalist Jas Obrecht conducted an interview with Steve before a Dixie Dregs show in California. Portions of this interview were published in the December 1978 issue of Guitar Player magazine, and became an interesting and wellknown classic among fans. Now, for the first time, apart from the interview transcript, the complete original audio of Jas and Steve’s conversation is available for listening.

Jas Obrecht and Steve Morse during the interview in Twiggs Lyndon's truck. Photo by Clara Erickson.

Jas said about this interview: “Among the many interviews I did with Steve over the years, my favorite is our first. It took place in Berkeley, California, on June 8, 1978. After sound check, Steve and I settled into Twiggs’ truck and spoke for more than an hour. Steve began by talking about how he created his one-of-a-kind hybrid guitar. He then became increasingly entertaining as he delved into his childhood, teen years, and past musical adventures. Funny anecdotes abound!” Check out the interview here. Thanks a lot Jas!

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